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Upstream Well Pad Solution Upstream Well Pad Solution
Check grammar and spelling: The SpartanPRO™ Upstream Well Pad Solution helps oil & gas producers meet today’s environmental standards, delivers on production targets, and reduces overall costs compared to traditional approaches.

Our comprehensive suite of automation technologies enables you to fully optimize your operations, while encompassing a full scope offering, to support meeting ESG performance requirements. Collaborating closely with our leading industry partners allows us to provide full turnkey capital cost support over the full lifecycle of your well pad.
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SpartanPRO™ Upstream Well Pad Solution
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EPOD Air & Power Series
Remote Power Generation

EPOD Air & Power Series

The EPOD from Westgen can help secure beneficial environmental impacts from pneumatics by up to 99% by replacing methane-rich site gas with clean, dry instrument air.

Maintenance costs are dramatically reduced because the EPOD’s patent-pending design utilizes common industry components that can be serviced without the need for expensive parts or specially trained service technicians.