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Remote Power Generation Solutions Remote Power Generation Solutions

Accessibility to power in remote areas is essential to many functions that are crucial to Customer operations. Extending the grid is often not an option because of where the site is located. In these situations, remote power generation offers a solution that help achieve positive environmental outcomes and non-space intensive.

Applications for remote power include, but are not limited to:

Applications for remote power include, but are not limited to:

  • Cathodic Protection - To prevent corrosion and possible leakage on both pipelines and wells.
  • SCADA and Instrumentation - As more sensing and control equipment is added to the pipeline and wellheads, power needs are increasing. SCADA communication and control equipment is being utilized to remotely monitor and control all levels of oil and gas production, SSVs, MLBVs, etc. This data needs to be transmitted to avoid the need to dispatch personnel to manually gather the data.
  • Chemical Injection Pumps - Electric pumps are used for injecting chemicals into natural gas remote wellheads to prevent scale, corrosion, and buildup of hydrates.
  • Valve Actuation - Powering electrically-driven valves directly or with air compressors that replace or convert gas-driven pneumatic-driven valves
  • Remote Light Towers - During the construction phase of installing pipelines and wellheads, the job site may require extended periods of artificial illumination
  • Surveillance - Providing around the clock power to security cameras
  • Radio Transmitters - For emergency networks and private communication
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