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Engine Emissions Reduction Engine Emissions Reduction
Funding Announcements
$1.9 Billion

Funding Announcements

The Government of Alberta has committed to a $1.9B investment to reduce GHG emissions in Alberta with $141.5M allocated, $750M from the TIER program and $1.15B from industry and other levels of government.

Reach out to our team today and see how we're helping companies just like yours reduce their ghg emissions.
Industrial Energy Efficiency and Carbon Capture and Storage Grant
$80.0 Million

Industrial Energy Efficiency and Carbon Capture and Storage Grant

  • Covers any facility that is or can be regulated under TIER, includes Large Final Emitters >100,000 tonnes CO2e/y and aggregate facilities
  • 75% of costs covered to a maximum project coverage amount of $20 million
  • Projects can cover number of technologies with focus on those that reduce carbon intensity and are implementation ready (TRL 8-9), no new developments.
Methane Technology Implementation Program (MTIP)
$24.4 Million

Methane Technology Implementation Program (MTIP)

  • Covers facilities regulated under Section 8 of D060, TIER Aggregate Facilities, or Non-TIER regulated facilities
  • 50% of project cost. Cannot generate carbon offset credits if this funding is awarded
  • Maximum of $1 million per operator
  • Eligible facilities are part of an "aggregate" TIER facility or not regulated under TIER (“large emitters” or “opted-in facilities” under TIER, are not eligible)  
  • No application deadline; first come, first served

How can we help?

Waukesha GL
Waukesha GL
Remote FAT
Remote FAT