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Spartan applies Micro Motion™ Coriolis technology to deliver efficient flow and density measurements for accurate net oil calculations that allow for well testing and LACT applications.

The FB3000 SpartanPro™ NOC with Micro Motion™ Coriolis Meter provides a well production flow computer solution designed for compliance with Directive 17 and API MPMS 20.1 & 12.2 for petroleum quantity measurement calculations.

Designed with flexibility for multiphase separators, the SpartanPro NOC can accommodate standard 24 hours well tests or continuous group production applications. Explore Spartan's automated process control solutions and discover the convenience of accurate accessible data for optimized production. This solution supersedes the FB107 ROCNOC application.
FB3000 SpartanPro™ NOC Well Testing


Well Database
24 with independent shrinkage factors
Historical Records
Well test mode: 400 Transactional records
Minimum 1 year of daily records
MODBUS, 4-20mA Micro Motion, Temperature, Pressure Inputs (4-20mA), Optional Phase Dynamics or Drexelbrook Input Supports 1 or 2 separators
Cut Measurement
0 to 100% water
Cut ±1.0% water typical; Gross Volume: ±0.1%; Density: ±0.5 kg/m3; Mass: ±0.1%
Minimum Density Difference
100 Kg/M3 when using density for inferred water cut
Pressure Drop
≤ 35 kPa (5 Psi)
Operating Temperature
-40°C to 70°C
Area Class
Class 1 Div2


  • Provides oil, water and gas volumes
  • Provides 0–100% water cut
  • Up to two 2-phase or 3-phase separators
  • Density and temperature compensation
  • Compliant with: AER Directive 17, API MPMS Petroleum Liquids Volumetric Correction