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Hydro Power
Fewer Shutdowns, Faster Startups and Efficient Load Dispatch
Fewer Shutdowns, Faster Startups and Efficient Load Dispatch

Hydroelectric plants have long lifecycles, with some facilities still operating after more than 100 years. A modernized control solution can improve your ability to dispatch generated power, extend the life of your plant, and improve the plant’s reliability and availability.

Through embedded applications for turbine control, pond control, energy management, equipment protection, and much more, the Ovation system ensures fewer shutdowns, faster startups, and more efficient plant operations.
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Hydroelectric Power Controller
Combining the size and ruggedness of a PLC with the power and ease-of-integration of the Ovation control system, the compact controller is ideal for hydroelectric applications.

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Hydro Control Solutions

Digital Governor Control

Digital Governor Control
Hydro Control Solutions

Digital Governor Control

With extensive experience in mechanical, analog, and Ovation digital governor upgrades, we provide hydro power plants with immediate, accurate responses to megawatt setpoint and frequency disturbances.
Unit Control
Hydro Control Solutions

Unit Control

Ovation Unit Control is a self-documenting, IEC-61131 sequence-based control solution with online diagnostics that enables consistent unit startups and shutdowns.
Generation-Load Control
Hydro Control Solutions

Generation-Load Control

The distributed automatic generation-load control solution utilizes embedded industry-specific Ovation algorithms that economically allocate power demand to generating units for faster and more accurate response to load changes.
Plant/Fleet Optimization
Hydro Control Solutions

Plant/Fleet Optimization

Ovation advanced power applications efficiently distribute load setpoints among available operating units or plants to cost-effectively meet generation demand while minimizing unit wear.


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+1 (877) 278-6404
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Power and Water Cybersecurity Suite
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