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Mining Mining
Oil sands extraction presents operators with a number of challenging conditions to complete the process from raw product to the initial stages of refining.

Oil sands extraction presents operators with a number of challenging conditions to complete the process from raw product to the initial stages of refining.

The extreme environmental conditions of remote locales, coupled with corrosive and eroding process fluids, is grueling for oil sands operators and equipment.

Spartan is a strategic partner for innovation, providing measurable solutions that deliver results.

With our solutions you can maximize recovery in primary extraction and froth treatment stages; reduce tailing losses, equipment maintenance, and operational costs; and mitigate risk and safety. Spartan’s strategies rely on their diverse application expertise, unique technologies, and product innovation to improve economic and production benefits, while remaining environmentally conscious and compliant with regulations.
Maximize recovery
Reduce losses, maintenance, and operational costs
Mitigate risk and safety
Learn more about the future of energy demand, how oil is a part of every day life in Canada, and how the environmental impacts of oil sands development are minimized
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+1 (877) 278-6404