Author: Gabe Fantino
Back in July 1985, the number one song in the pop music world was "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears. In the automation world, the popular Allen-Bradley PLC-2 was being replaced with an updated new processor and large-format, high-density IO cards that would go on to rule the small-system market for quite some time. This was the PLC-5 platform and the 1771 family of cards.
And like many battle-hardened industry veterans, we have aged considerably since the 80’s and so has the PLC-5! It’s CPU is officially “End of Life” meaning there will be no further support from the factory. As an Automation Manager responsible for reliable process control and continuous data streams, this means it’s time to consider your options, here’s why:
- No factory support on PLC-5 CPUs
- 1771 I/O cards are “Active/Mature”; migration recommended
- 30-year old 1771 cards failing
- Repair and/or spare parts may not be available
- Rely on eBay or used equipment resellers? Not a solid business plan.
- 2 databases to maintain (DCS & PLC)
- 2 skill sets required (DCS & PLC)
- 2 spare inventories to maintain (DCS & PLC)
- Need to replace QUICKLY and inexpensively
- Limit/eliminate re-termination of aging field wiring
- Limit/eliminate need for additional footprint for new I/O
Modernization Toolkit Highlights:
- Tool assisted services minimize risks associated with manual configuration conversion, and accelerate new system implementation
- PLC5 Logic Conversion and automated documentation
- Establish plant configuration standards for ease of maintenance and replicating applications at different sites
- Migrate from PLC-5 to DeltaV without lifting a wire with the Signal Conditioning Card swingarm solution.

Signal Conditioning Card “Swingarm” Solution
- 120VAC digital input (DI)
- 120VAC digital output (DO)
- 24VDC digital input (DI)
- 24VDC digital output (DO)
- 4-20mA analog input (AI)
- Supports 32-channel DeltaV DI/DO cards where one DeltaV card replaces two PLC-5 cards
- 16-channel DeltaV™ AI card for a one-to-one replacement. The DeltaV™ signal conditioning cards connect via a standard ribbon cable to the DeltaV™ mass-connection I/O terminal block
Easy Cold Cutover with FlexConnect™ Wiring Solutions

- Quick cutover
- Saves time and money
- HART ® Pass through
- Don’t have to lift the field wires
- Most cabinet documentation doesn’t have to change
Stage Your Migration with an HMI-only or DeltaV™Connect Software Bridge Solution

Lastly, Leverage PK Controller for Modernizations

- Powerful and fast, up to 25ms scan times
- Standalone or part of a host system
- Simplex or Redundant with NO additional config
- HMI ports, Ethernet protocols, and OPC server built-in
- Priced to fit any size application, from 50 to 1500 IO