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Safety & Quality Safety & Quality

Our Safety Mission:

To provide a safe work environment for the safety of all Spartans, contractors and Customers, on the job and in our community, is integral to our success. A safe work environment is achieved through management support, a dedicated full-time team of safety professionals and engagement by all Spartans​.



Our Quality Mission:

To provide an exceptional Customer experience, from all Spartan locations, by meeting Customer expectations through strong management commitment, a dedicated quality support team, structure from our ISO 9001 certified quality management system, and our unrivaled culture of Customer First and continuous improvement.

Human Rights Policy:

For all permanent and temporary Spartans and Contractors, and Spartan's suppliers and other business partners.
Human Rights Policy

The Minister of Public Safety:

2024 submission related to fighting against forced labour and child labour in supply chains.
Spartan Controls Submission


  • Winner of the Gas Processing Association Canada (GPAC) Safety Award (2004-2009, 2011-2013, 2015 and 2017)
  • Cover of Workers Compensation Board (WCB) Alberta WorkSIGHT magazine (Summer Edition 2013) for Excellence Safety Performance 
  • Annual Certificate of Recognition by WCB Saskatchewan and Alberta and WorkSafe B.C.